Come see our new location at 418 10th Ave in Coralville!!! Supporting Iowa City and North Liberty
418 10th Ave Coralville, IA 52241
LOCAL: (319) 351-7242
Order within 6 hours 56 minutes for Same Day Delivery!


Just Because


Kindness Bouquets

"My Wish for you is that you continue, Continue to be who and how you are,to astonish the world with your acts of Kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your heavy heart." Maya Angelou

Kindness bouquets are our way of brightening our community. Consider adding one on to your order to spread kindness and joy. Great locations for these bouquets are: Ronald McDonald House, The Birdhouse of Johnson County, Memory care facilities, any of our community servants. No added delivery charge for these vases, vases are supplied by our recycled vase program. Help us spread the love!


Anniversary Flowers

Whether it's the first month, the first year, or the fiftieth, EVERY BLOOMIN' THING in Iowa City, IA can help you send romantic anniversary flowers with your message of love. Nothing makes a girl feel more special than a delivery of flowers. Send a small arrangement of her favorite flowers to say, "You're my Sweetie" or go for gold with a dozen red roses. No matter what your choice, EVERY BLOOMIN' THING can help

Birthday Flowers

Happy Birthday can be expressed with the gift of flowers from EVERY BLOOMIN' THING in Iowa City, IA. Whether you're looking for a unique birthday gift or party decor, floral arrangements are always sure to make a statement. Out of town? Don't let that stop you from wishing someone "Happy Birthday". Surprise them with a vase of our best roses, tulips, or daisies, just to name a few, from EVERY BLOOMIN' THING. There really is no better way to say, "I love you" or "Just thinking about you". Browse our selection of sample birthday arrangements. Order online or give us a call today.



Get Well Flowers


Being sick sucks! Help somebody make it through by adding on a Local Eats Giftcard, Scratch Cupcake or Cookie, or Woofables Pet treat to any arrangement or plant. You can customize any order or choose from a premade bundle on this page or under the plant page. We are currently delivering to all hospital and nursing home front desks, the deliveries within are being handled internally.